From almost getting nothing done, to getting almost everything done - today was a whirlwind. Up at the crack of dawn, I had Manuel's guy put some bracing on the South wall as Horatio wanted to bring in some heavier equipment. The small bobcat was not working well on the still very wet ground between the foundation and the neighbour to the South. The solution? A quick call for some recycled gravel.
We took off 2 feet of mud then had some gravel shot up the side of the house (what a great job that guy has - stands around with a remote control shooting gravel all over the place). One hour later, and Horatio was whistling away while working in the hole of the former walkout. By end of day, they'd finished 90% of the backfill. A great day!

We took off 2 feet of mud then had some gravel shot up the side of the house (what a great job that guy has - stands around with a remote control shooting gravel all over the place). One hour later, and Horatio was whistling away while working in the hole of the former walkout. By end of day, they'd finished 90% of the backfill. A great day!